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Friday, April 26, 2024

Integration testing approach that is commonly used when software products are being developed by allowing software teams to assess the projects on frequent basis:

Answer: BSmoke testing, also called build verification testing or confidence testing, is a software testing method that is used to determine if new software build is ready for the next testing phase. In smoke testing, every build is verified whether it is testable or not; hence it is also known...

Answer: B

Smoke testing, also called build verification testing or confidence testing, is a software testing method that is used to determine if new software build is ready for the next testing phase.

 In smoke testing, every build is verified whether it is testable or not; hence it is also known as Build Verification Testing.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Expression used to compute cyclomatic complexity for a program

 Answer: ACyclomatic Complexity -       is a software metric that measures the logical complexity of the program code. -       It counts the number of decisions in the given program code. -       It measures the number of linearly...

 Answer: A

Cyclomatic Complexity

-       is a software metric that measures the logical complexity of the program code.

-       It counts the number of decisions in the given program code.

-       It measures the number of linearly independent paths through the program code.

Mathematically, it is set of independent paths through the graph diagram.

The Code complexity of the program can be defined using the formula –

M = E – N + 2P 


 E = the number of edges in the control flow graph 
N = the number of nodes in the control flow graph 
P = the number of connected components 

In a case, where exit point is directly connected back to the entry point, then

M = E – N + P

In the case of a single method, P is equal to 1. So, for a single subroutine, the formula can be defined as

M = E – N + 2

Friday, April 19, 2024

In which software development model, cross cutting concerns are defined that have impact across the system architecture?

Answer: DAspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a software design solution that helps address modularity issues in software development.In AOSD, program logic is broken down into distinct parts, called concerns, which are cohesive areas of functionality. Some concerns "cut across" multiple abstractions in...

Answer: D

Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a software design solution that helps address modularity issues in software development.

In AOSD, program logic is broken down into distinct parts, called concerns, which are cohesive areas of functionality. Some concerns "cut across" multiple abstractions in a program, and defy these forms of implementation. These concerns are called cross-cutting concerns or horizontal concerns.

It's a programming paradigm that focuses on separating and modularizing cross-cutting concerns, which are functionalities that span multiple components in a program. 

AOSD improves code reusability, maintainability, and readability by enabling developers to encapsulate these concerns into separate units called aspects.


What are level triggering interrupts?

 Answer: BLevel triggered Interrupts: TRAP, RST 5.5, RST 6.5 and INTR.Edge triggered Interrupts: TRAP and RST 7.5 Digital circuits employ edge triggering and level triggering as two different types of triggering methods to start a signal transition from one state to another. A triggering mechanism that is based...

 Answer: B

Level triggered Interrupts: TRAP, RST 5.5, RST 6.5 and INTR.

Edge triggered Interrupts: TRAP and RST 7.5 

Digital circuits employ edge triggering and level triggering as two different types of triggering methods to start a signal transition from one state to another.

A triggering mechanism that is based on the recognition of a change in the signal level is edge triggering. Edge triggering is frequently employed in synchronous circuits, such as flip-flops and counters, and is especially beneficial in situations when exact timing is necessary.

Level triggering is a category of triggering mechanism that is based on the detection of a particular signal level. It is applied when detecting the input signal level at a specific moment rather than a change in state is required. In applications like data acquisition and control systems, where continuous monitoring of an input signal is necessary, level triggering is frequently utilized. Level triggering involves continuously monitoring the input signal and activating the output signal when the input signal reaches a predetermined level.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The first microprocessor built by the Intel corporation was

 Answer: CIntel's first microprocessor, the Intel 4004, was released in November 1971. It was the first commercially available microprocessor and the first general-purpose programmable processor on the market. The 4004 was a 4-bit central processing unit (CPU...

 Answer: C

Intel's first microprocessor, the Intel 4004, was released in November 1971. It was the first commercially available microprocessor and the first general-purpose programmable processor on the market. The 4004 was a 4-bit central processing unit (CPU).

In a vectored interrupt

 Answer: BA vectored interrupt is a processing technique in which the interrupting device directs the processor to the appropriate interrupt service routine. In the context of vectored interrupts, when an interrupt occurs, the interrupting device or component provides the processor with additional...

 Answer: B

vectored interrupt is a processing technique in which the interrupting device directs the processor to the appropriate interrupt service routine.

In the context of vectored interrupts, when an interrupt occurs, the interrupting device or component provides the processor with additional information called a vector. This vector is essentially a numeric identifier or addresses that point to the specific interrupt service routine (ISR) associated with the interrupting device.

Vectored interrupts are often more efficient than non-vectored interrupts because they directly indicate the location of the corresponding ISR (Interrupt Service Routine). This eliminates the need for the processor to search for the appropriate handler, resulting in faster and more predictable interrupt handling. This mechanism is commonly used in various computer architectures and embedded systems to efficiently manage and respond to interrupts.

Vectored interrupts are achieved by assigning each interrupting device a unique code, typically four to eight bits in length. When a device interrupts, it sends its unique code over the data bus to the processor, telling the processor which interrupt service routine to execute.

Which of the following is the default positioning elements with CSS?

 Answer: CThe default positioning value for CSS is static, which means that the element is positioned according to the normal flow of the document content. This means that the target element is positioned along with the natural document flow.  By default, the position property for all HTML elements...

 Answer: C

The default positioning value for CSS is static, which means that the element is positioned according to the normal flow of the document content. This means that the target element is positioned along with the natural document flow. 

By default, the position property for all HTML elements in CSS is set to static . This means that if you don't specify any other position value or if the position property is not declared explicitly, it'll be static.

Which of the statements are True?

 Answer: a,b,dFunction overloading is done at compile time. In C++, protected members of a base class can be accessed by members and friends of any derived classes from that base class. Protected members that are also declared as static are accessible to any friend or member function of a derived class. Protected...


Answer: a,b,d

Function overloading is done at compile time.

In C++, protected members of a base class can be accessed by members and friends of any derived classes from that base class. Protected members that are also declared as static are accessible to any friend or member function of a derived class. Protected members that are not declared as static are accessible to friends and member functions in a derived class only through a pointer to, reference to, or object of the derived class.

Derived classes do not inherit constructors or destructors from their base classes. However, they do call the constructor and destructor of base classes.

A friend function in C++ can be called as a normal function. Friend functions are not members of a class, but they have access to the class's private and protected members. They are declared using the keyword friend.

A nested class is a separate class that can see the private members of the enclosing class. The derived class technically inherits a copy of the class definition, but there's nothing special about that relationship. A nested class is useful for encapsulation, information hiding, and grouping related functionality together in a single class. 

Why reference is not same as pointer?

 Answer: DHere are some other differences between references and pointers: Reference cannot be declared as NULL, while a pointer can be declared as NULL. A reference must be initialized when it is created, and once it is, it cannot be made to alias another object. A pointer can be reassigned to point to other objects. A...

 Answer: D

Here are some other differences between references and pointers:

Reference cannot be declared as NULL, while a pointer can be declared as NULL.

A reference must be initialized when it is created, and once it is, it cannot be made to alias another object. A pointer can be reassigned to point to other objects.

A reference is dereferenced implicitly and does not need the dereferencing operator * to retrieve the value referenced. A pointer needs to be dereferenced with * to access the memory location it points to.

A reference has the same memory address as the item it references. A pointer can change the address value stored in it.

Use pass-by-pointer if NULL is a valid parameter value or if you want to reassign the pointer. Otherwise, use constant or non-constant references to pass arguments. 

The Knapsack problem where the objective function is to minimize the profit is

 Answer: D0/1 Knapsack problem: Given a set of n objects which have each have a value vi and a weight wi. The objective of the 0/1 Knapsack problem is to find a subset of objects such that the total value is maximized, and the sum of weights of the objects does not exceed a given threshold W....

 Answer: D

0/1 Knapsack problem: 

Given a set of n objects which have each have a value vi and a weight wi.

The objective of the 0/1 Knapsack problem is to find a subset of objects such that the total value is maximized, and the sum of weights of the objects does not exceed a given threshold W.

An important condition here is that one can either take the entire object or leave it. It is not possible to take a fraction of the object.

Possible Method 1: Look at all possible combinations of objects, calculate their total weight, and if the total weight is less than the threshold, to calculate the total value. This approach is known as the Brute Force. Although this approach would give us the solution, it is of exponential time complexity. Hence, we look at the other possible methods.

Possible Method 2: Use the Dynamic Programming approach to solve this problem. Although this method is far more efficient than the Brute Force method, it does not work in scenarios where the item weights are non-integer values.

Possible Method 3: Backtracking can also be used to solve this problem. By exploring all possible branches until the solution is invalid, then going back a step and exploring other possibilities. This method also has exponential time complexity.

Possible Method 4: Since this is a combinatorial problem, once can use the Branch and Bound method to solve this problem. Thing to be noted is that the Branch and Bound method is for minimization problems.

Data Structures with C++


Operating Systems

Computer Networks


Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Programming in C++
