Saturday, November 18, 2023

An activity-selection problem

An activity-selection problem

Let set S = {a1, a2, . . . ,an}is of ā€˜nā€™ proposed activities that wish to use a resource, which can serve only one activity at a time. 

Each activity ai has a start time si and a finish time fi, where 0 ā‰¤ si < fi < āˆž. Assume that the activities are sorted in monotonically increasing order of finish time: f1 ā‰¤  f2 ā‰¤ . . . ā‰¤ fn-1 ā‰¤  fn.

In activity-selection problem, aim is to select a maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities. Activities ai and aj are compatible if the intervals [si, fi ) and [sj, fj ) do not overlap.

The optimal substructure of the activity-selection problem
Let us denote by Sij the set of activities that start after activity ai finishes and that finish before activity aj starts. 
To find a maximum set of mutually compatible activities in Sij , suppose that Aij is a maximum set , which includes some activity ak
By including ak in an optimal solution, there are two sub problems: 
i) finding mutually compatible activities in the set Sik (activities that start after activity ai finishes and that finish before activity ak starts) and, 
ii) finding mutually compatible activities in the set Skj (activities that start after activity ak finishes and that finish before activity aj starts).
Let Aik = Aij āˆ© Sik and Akj = Aij āˆ© Skj , so that Aik contains the activities in Aij that finish before ak starts and Akj contains the activities in Aij that start after ak finishes.
Thus, we have Aij = Aik U {ak} U Akj , and so the maximum-size set Aij of mutually compatible
activities in Sij consists of |Aij | = |Aik| + |Akj | + 1 activities.
If we denote the size of an optimal solution for the set Sij by c[i, j ], then we would have the recurrence 

If an optimal solution for the set Sij includes activity a
is not known then all activities in Sij has to be examined to find which one to choose, so that

A recursive algorithm can be developed and memoize it, or work bottom-up and fill in table entries. 

But another important characteristic of the activity-selection problem that is overlooked is to use the greedy choice.

Making the greedy choice
The greedy choice for the activity-selection is to choose an activity that leaves the resource available for as many other activities as possible.

The choice is to choose the activity in S with the earliest finish time, since that would leave the resource available for as many of the activities that follow it as possible. Since the activities are sorted in monotonically increasing order by finish time, the greedy choice is activity a1. If greedy choice is made, only one remaining sub problem to solve is finding activities that start after a1 finishes. There is no need to consider activities that finish before a1 starts.
The algorithm works like :
1) Select the first activity from the sorted array and put in a set A.
2) Do following for remaining activities in the sorted array.
       a) If the start time of second activity is greater than or equal to the finish time of                           previously selected activity then select this activity and put it in a set A.

The procedure GREEDY-ACTIVITY-SELECTOR assumes that the input activities are ordered by monotonically increasing finish time. It collects selected activities into a set A and returns this set when it is done. GREEDY-ACTIVITY-SELECTOR schedules a set of n activities in Īø (n) time.


In above figure highlighted activities a1,a3,a6,a8 form the maximum subset of mutually compatible activities since there start finish times are greater than start times of already selected activities.


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