Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Classic Problems of Synchronization

1. The Bounded-Buffer Problem

  • This is a generalization of the producer-consumer problem wherein access is controlled to a shared group of buffers of a limited size.
  • In this solution, the two counting semaphores "full" and "empty" keep track of the current number of full and empty buffers respectively ( and initialized to 0 and N respectively. ) The binary semaphore mutex controls access to the critical section. The producer and consumer processes are nearly identical - One can think of the producer as producing full buffers, and the consumer producing empty buffers.

2. The Readers-Writers Problem

  • In the readers-writers problem there are some processes ( termed readers ) who only read the shared data, and never change it, and there are other processes ( termed writers ) who may change the data in addition to or instead of reading it. There is no limit to how many readers can access the data simultaneously, but when a writer accesses the data, it needs exclusive access.
  • There are several variations to the readers-writers problem, most centered around relative priorities of readers versus writers.
    • The first readers-writers problem gives priority to readers. In this problem, if a reader wants access to the data, and there is not already a writer accessing it, then access is granted to the reader. A solution to this problem can lead to starvation of the writers, as there could always be more readers coming along to access the data. ( A steady stream of readers will jump ahead of waiting writers as long as there is currently already another reader accessing the data, because the writer is forced to wait until the data is idle, which may never happen if there are enough readers. )
    • The second readers-writers problem gives priority to the writers. In this problem, when a writer wants access to the data it jumps to the head of the queue - All waiting readers are blocked, and the writer gets access to the data as soon as it becomes available. In this solution the readers may be starved by a steady stream of writers.
  • The following code is an example of the first readers-writers problem, and involves an important counter and two binary semaphores:
    • readcount is used by the reader processes, to count the number of readers currently accessing the data.
    • mutex is a semaphore used only by the readers for controlled access to readcount.
    • rw_mutex is a semaphore used to block and release the writers. The first reader to access the data will set this lock and the last reader to exit will release it; The remaining readers do not touch rw_mutex. ( Eighth edition called this variable wrt. )
Note that the first reader to come along will block on rw_mutex if there is currently a writer accessing the data, and that all following readers will only block on mutex for their turn to increment readcount.

3. The Dining-Philosophers Problem

  • The dining philosophers problem is a classic synchronization problem involving the allocation of limited resources amongst a group of processes in a deadlock-free and starvation-free manner:
    • Consider five philosophers sitting around a table, in which there are five chopsticks evenly distributed and an endless bowl of rice in the center, as shown in the diagram below. ( There is exactly one chopstick between each pair of dining philosophers. )
    • These philosophers spend their lives alternating between two activities: eating and thinking.
    • When it is time for a philosopher to eat, it must first acquire two chopsticks - one from their left and one from their right.
    • When a philosopher thinks, it puts down both chopsticks in their original locations.

  • One possible solution, as shown in the following code section, is to use a set of five semaphores ( chopsticks[ 5 ] ), and to have each hungry philosopher first wait on their left chopstick ( chopsticks[ i ] ), and then wait on their right chopstick ( chopsticks[ ( i + 1 ) % 5 ] )
  • But suppose that all five philosophers get hungry at the same time, and each starts by picking up their left chopstick. They then look for their right chopstick, but because it is unavailable, they wait for it, forever, and eventually all the philosophers starve due to the resulting deadlock.

Some potential solutions to the problem include:
  • Only allow four philosophers to dine at the same time. ( Limited simultaneous processes. )
  • Allow philosophers to pick up chopsticks only when both are available, in a critical section. ( All or nothing allocation of critical resources. )
  • Use an asymmetric solution, in which odd philosophers pick up their left chopstick first and even philosophers pick up their right chopstick first. ( Will this solution always work? What if there are an even number of philosophers? )


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